
by 愛狄

Module 1:Amazon Web Services

介紹了AWS的好處與優勢,用戶可以了解AWS on-demand服務提供的方式,配合不同的Cloud Deployment 方式,有使用需求才付費(pay-as-you-go)。

了解server-client model的基本運作方式,client是用戶使用來發出request的裝置,可以是web browser 或是desktop application等,而server即為滿足此request的服務處理方,比如Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)就是Amazon提供的雲端伺服器服務。

再來提到Cloud Deployment的方式分成三種:

  1. Cloud-Based
  2. On-Premises (also known as private cloud)
  3. Hybrid

以及Cloud computing的六項好處:

  1. Trade upfront expense for variable expense
  2. Stop spending money to run and maintain data centers
  3. Stop guessing capacity
  4. Benefit from massive economies of scale
  5. Increase speed and agility
  6. Go global in minutes

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1 comment

AWS Cloud Practioner Essentials 初探 - 三省集 January 4, 2024 - 5:34 pm

[…] 1:Amazon Web ServicesModule 2:Compute in the cloudModule 3:Global Infrastructure and ReliabilityModule […]

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